A Harrington Chronology

compiled from the notes of Victor Golla
original posting 17mar1997
last update 17mar1997

Way under construction...

The following chronology od Harrington'slife and fieldwork (after 1907 the two are nearly synonymous) is a work in progress, and should not be taken as definitive in any way. It is mostly an uncritical collation of information from published sources, and covers some years of Harrington's work much more thoroughly than others. I have mostly relied on the following sources:

* The basic biographical framework is based on Jane MacLaren Walsh, John Peabody Harrington: The Man and his California Indian Fieldnotes (Ballena Press, 1976 - alas, long out of print), but I also refer where relevant to Carobeth Laird's Encounter with an Angry God.

* Most of the specifics on Harrington's fieldwork are taken from Elaine Mills' Guides to the Smithsonian microfilm volumes. To date I have entered only the information contained in the Guides to volumes I and II, cited as I/(pagenumber) and II/(page number).

* I have interpolated Harrington's bibliography year by year, including some unpublished manuscripts cited by Mills.

The principal historian of Harrington'scareer is Kathryn Klar, who is working on a full biography of JPH. None of Kathy's work is currently reflected in this chronology, although I hope to include a number of her notes in later versions. John Johnson and Linda Agren at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History are also working on aspects of Harrington's career, and a large collection of JPH's personal correspondence and memorabilia -- and some linguistic notes --are archived at the SBMNH. (These materials are not included in the Smithsonian microfilm; John and Linda are currently finishing a catalogue.)

Kathy, John, Linda can be contacted at the following addresses: Kathryn Klar - 710 Courtland,Richmond, CA 94805-1541 ( John Johnson and Linda Agren -Anthropology, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, 2559 Puesta del Sol Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (

The best address to use for me is: Victor Golla - Native American Studies, Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA 95521 (

I would very much appreciate hearing from anyone who has corrections, comments, or additions to this chronology, and I will do my best to see that all such feedback is reflected in future versions. - VG

1884: JPH born,April 29, 1884, in Waltham, Massachusetts. "His mother, Mary L. Peabody, was a teacher and his father, Elliot A. Harrington, was a lawyer." [Walsh, p.10]
"I liked Harrington pŠre very much...[H]e was certainly no mental giant, yet he was kindly and he could laugh." [Encounter,p.64]

1886: "When he was two years old his family moved from Waltham to Santa Barbara, California. He attended grammar school there..." [Walsh,p.10]

1902: "[A]fter graduating from Santa Barbara High School in 1902, he enrolled inLeland Stanford Jr. University in a program of philology, classic and modern languages." [Walsh, p.10]

1903-04: "...attending summer school at Berkeley,where he first met Alfred Kroeber..." [Walsh, p.10]

1905: "[H]e managed to graduate with an A.B. degree at the head of his class in only two and a half years. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and was offered a Rhodes Scholarship in 1905, which he declined in order to study in Germany. He began graduate studies at the University of Leipzig the same year and stayed for two semesters, specializing in anthropology and linguistics." [Walsh, p.10]

1906: "In 1906 Harrington studied for a semester at the University of Berlin under Franz Nikolaus Finck, a professor of general linguistics, who I believe had a profound influence on his life....Upon his return to the United States in 1906, Harrington was given his first job as a teacher of modern languages at the Santa Ana High School in California. He taught German and a volunteer class of Russian after regular hours....[A]ccording to one of his students [he] was a popular and successful teacher." [Walsh, p.10]
-> Bruce Dill, Classmates of 1908--Santa Ana High School. Desert Research Institute, University of Nevada. [see Walsh, Bibliography]
-> JPH, Franz Nikolaus Finck (obituary). AA 12: 724-728 (1910).

1907: "During the summers he worked independently studying Indian languages among the Mojave and Yuma....The earliest letter [from JPH] in the files of the [NAA] is dated June3, 1907. In this letter he requested a copy of A.S.Gatschet's Yuma Sprachstamm..." [Walsh,p.10]

1908: "In 1908 he did field work at San Ildefonso [=Tewa]....[Later] Harrington [was] recommended to W.H.Holmes of the BAE by Matilda Coxe Stevenson with whom he had worked in 1908 at her Black Mesa ranch." [Walsh, p.10-11]
A Yuma account of Origins.JAF 21: 324-348 (1908).

1909: "He was hired as an ethnologist for the Museum of New Mexico in 1909 and remained there until 1911...[H]e lectured and gave courses at the University of Colorado (1909)...on native American languages and the prevalent theories regarding the migration of peoples from Asia to the Americas." [Walsh, p.10]
"In a letter to F. W.Hodge...Boas accused Harrington, in so many words, of being an anti-Semite, of having a 'warped viewpoint' and of being a man of great talent unfortunately fallen into 'very bad hands'. He wrote, 'It seems to my mind that no amount of genius can excuse a man for breaking his word of honor, voluntarily given, as has been done by Harrington, and he would have to behave with exceptional decency and dignity for a good long time before I can forgive that'."[Walsh, p.17, quoting Boas to Hodge, 1/29/10]
Notes on the Piro Language. AA 11:563-594 (1909).

1910: "[H]e lectured and gave courses at the University of Washington(1910)... From 1910 until 1915 he did field work among Southwestern tribes in a joint program for the School of American Research and the Bureau of American Ethnology..." [Walsh, p.10]
Summer: "[JPH] investigated the language and culture of the Duwamish (Puget Sound Salish, Lushootseed) during the period June 17 to August 15, 1910 while residing in the University of Washington summer school..." [I/27]

July (?): "The bureau has been interested in and has conducted archeological explorations in the Pueblo region of New Mexico and Arizona for many years. Since the establishment of the School of American Archaeology in 1907...arrangements were made between the bureau and the school for conducting archeological investigations incooperation.... Active work under this joint arrangement was commenced in the Rio de los Frijoles, northwest of Santa Fe, New Mexico, in July, 1910, work having already been initiated there during the previous summer by the school independently, under the directorship of Dr. Edgar L. Hewett.... In the joint work in the Rio de los Frijoles the expedition was fortunate in having the cooperation of Prof. Junius Henderson and Prof. W.W. Robbins, of the University of Colorado at Boulder, who, respectively, while the excavations were in progress, conducted studies in the ethno-zoology and the ethno-botany of the Tewa Indians.... At the same time Mr. J.P. Harrington continued his researches in Tewa geographic nomenclature and cooperated with Profs. Henderson and Robbins in supplying the native terms for plants and animals used by these Indians...." (Annual Report of the S.I. for 1911, pp.32-33).

An Introductory Paperon the Tiwa Language, Dialect of Taos, New Mexico. AA 12:11-48 (1910).
On Phonetic and Lexic Resemblances Between Kiowan and Tanoan.AA 12:119-123 (1910).
On the Etymology of Guayabe. AA 12:344(1910).
"Butterfly" in Southwestern Languages.AA 12:344-345 (1910).
A Brief Description of the Tewa Language. AA 12:497-504 (1910).
The Language of the Tano Indians of New Mexico. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Americanists, 321-328 (1910).
Review of T. T. Waterman, The Religious Practices of the Diegueno Indians. AA 12:329-335 (1910).
Review of Edward Sapir, Yana Texts, Together with Yana Myths Collected by Roland B. Dixon. AA 12:100-105(1910). [II/79]
ms Lecture Notes for The Indians of the Northwest, University of Washington, Summer 1910. [I/27-28] [1:015:0542-0898]

1911: "[H]e lectured and gave courses at the University of Colorado (1911)...In 1911 he was hired by Edgar L. Hewett of the School of American Research (now the Archaeological Institute of America) [in Santa Fe]."[Walsh, p.10]

"...that period of[Harrington's] somewhat ambiguous association with Hewett, about which I know so little." [Encounter, p.65]

March- "In addition the services of several specialists in their respective fields were enlisted for special work, as follows: July: .... Mr. John P. Harrington, for researches among the Mohave Indians of the Colorado Valley." (Annual Report of the S.I. for 1911, pp. 31).
"Mr. John Peabody Harrington, of the School of American Archaeology, proceeded in March [1911] to the Colorado Valley in Arizona and California for the purpose of continuing his studies, commenced a few years before, among the Mohave Indians, and incidentally to make collections for the U. S. National Museum. Mr. Harrington was still among these Indians at the close of July...." (Annual Report of the S.I. for 1911, pp. 41).

A Key to the Navaho Orthography Employed by the Franciscan Fathers. AA 13:164-166 (1911).
The Numerals "Two" and "Three" in Certain Indian Languages of the Southwest. AA 13:167-168 (1911).
The Origin of the Names Ute and Paiute. AA 13:173-174 (1911).
A Tentative List ofthe Hispanized Chumashan Place-names of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties, California. AA 13:725-726(1911).
The Phonetic System of the Ute Language. University of Colorado Studies 8(3):199-222 (1911).

June: "Harrington's first notes on Salinan were obtained on June 16, 1912, from Juan Solano at the San Luis Obispo County Hospital. He gave a brief vocabulary of Migueleno.... At approximately the same time, Harrington conducted an interview with Pacifico Archuleta, collecting a Migueleno vocabulary..." [II/131-2]

Notes on Certain Usages Relating to Linguistic Work. AA 14:186-191 (1912).
Tewa Relationship Terms. AA 14:472-498(1912).
The Tewa Indian Game of"Canute". AA 14:243-286(1912).

Jan: JPH appointed to the AAA committee on phonetic orthography, on Sapir's recommendation. Kroeber comments: "I should not be surprised...if you would have a great deal of trouble from Harrington. He is as keen and well informed on the subject as anyone in the country, but perhaps because he is a young man has shown a riotous inclination to indulge in the expressions of fine shades of sounds in the symbols used for them..." [Kroeber to Sapir, 1/6/13: SKC, letter 79, p.76]
March: "I expect thatbefore the month is out Harrington will be in San Francisco..."[Kroeber to Sapir, 3/13/13: SKC, letter 90, p.92]
April: JPH gives paper on Esselen at the meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America,Berkeley, April 10-12.
"Mr. Harrington and I have had a good deal of talk about phonetic orthography in the last month while he has been here with us." [Kroeber to Sapir, 4/22/13: SKC,letter 95, p.95]
"I am somewhat afraid that Harrington is more interested in exhibiting his wide acquaintance with phonetic matters than in getting down to business." [Sapir to Kroeber, 4/28/13: SKC, letter 96,p.96]
May: "I find Harrington very hard to fathom. His general attitude is extremely broad and reasonable, but he seems to completely contradict it at times by most surprising individual recommendations..." [Kroeber to Sapir, 5/8/13: SKC, letter 98, p.97]
Sept: "Further discussions [on Migueleno Salinan] were pursued with Archuleta and Solano on September 17, 1913." [See June 1912.] [II/132]

May: JPH is formally dropped fromorthography committee: "We find that Harrington cannot be considered a member of the committee forthe simple reason that he is not a member of the American Anthropological Association. However, I will send him a copy of the report and invite further discussion on his part..." [Sapir to Kroeber, 5/28/14: SKC, letter140, p.140]
Sept-Oct: "Harrington's first contact with the so-called 'Tulareno' [Yokuts] people occurred in late September to early October 1914 on a two-week trip to the San Joaquin Valley...." [II/141]
Henderson, Junius and J. P. Harrington, Ethnozoology of the Tewa Indians. BAE-B 56:1-76 (1914).
Kroeber, A. L. and J. P. Harrington, Phonetic Elements of the Diegue¤o Language. UC-PAAE 11(2):177-188 (1914).

Feb 20: JPH becomes a member of the staff of the BAE:
"Mr. John Peabody Harrington, ethnologist, became a member of the staff of the bureau, with the approval of the Civil Service Commission, on February 20[1915]...." (Annual Report of the S.I. for 1915, p.47).
Feb-May: "from [Feb. 20] until the close of May he finished 600 pages of manuscript and more than 3,000 slips of linguistic information regarding the Chumash Indians of California, the result of researches conducted by him beforeentering the service of the Bureau." (AR-SI for 1915, p.47)
May-June: "At the end of May [JPH] proceeded to Santa Ines Mission...[where he] extracted a considerable amount of...material from the mission records." (AR-SI for 1915, p.47)
June 19-26: JPH visits Arroyo Grande where "he worked for a week with a poor, sick old woman, the sole survivor of the San Luis Obispo Indians." [= Rosario Cooper] (AR-SI for1915, p.47)
June 23: "One page of notes from [Pacifico] Archuleta [Migueleno Salinan]....June 23, 1915." [II/132]
July-Oct: "Spent at San Diego...where every facility for [his] work [on Ventureno, Purisimeno, and Obispeno Chumash] was granted by courtesy of the Panama-Pacific Exposition."
JPH meets Carobeth [Tucker] when she takes his summerschool course in linguistics in Balboa Park. [Encounter, p.2]
JPH leaves San Diego in early October "for the Southwest Museum to collect the notes he had left there and plan his next trip; leaves Carobeth behind. [Encounter, p. 12]
Nov-Dec: JPH at the Southwest Museum[continuing Chumash].
"For the convenience of his field studies, Mr. Harrington has established headquarters at Los Angeles, where he has been granted the facilities of the Southwest Museumby the courtesy of its officials.' (AR-SI for 1915, p.48)
"...Harrington's 'headquarters', the Southwest Museum, [whose] founder and curator, [was] Charles F. Lummis. Lummis was one of those older, superior, established persons whom Harrington regarded with a mixture of fear, envy, and self-protective scorn....[Lummis] was brilliant, abrasive, witty and probably himself quite eccentric...[Harrington] had an office there where he worked over his material and kept it safely stored..."[Encounter, p.23-4]
JPH sends Carobeth a suitcase asa Christmas present. She travels to L.A. by boat to visit him.[Encounter, p. 13]

Jan: "The month ofJanuary...was spent at Berkeley, where, through the courtesy of the Bancroft Library...manuscripts...pertaining to Chumash were studied and copied."
Feb-March: JPH at the Southwest Museum [continuing Chumash].
April-June: JPH at Santa Ynez.
"I...remember arriving in Santa Ynez in the spring of 1916...Harrington met me and I knew that I was about to share his life and his career." [Encounter, p.16]
"Harrington's informant in Santa Ynez was a very ancient Chumash woman, Maria Solares....Maria spoke noEnglish..." [Encounter, p. 16]
July 1-Sept 15: "...devoted his attention to the Purisimeno dialect, the existing vocabularies being corrected by the informant."
JPH and Carobeth marry.
Sept-Oct: "The next three weeks were spent on the Obispeno with satisfactory results..."
Oct-Dec: "The remainder of the fiscal year [1916-17] was devotedto Ventureno and Ineseno."
"In November 1916 Harrington travelled to the Tejon region, ostensibly to work with Jose Juan Olivas, an inland Chumash speaker. It appears, in addition, that for a virtually uninterrupted period from that time until September 1917, Harrington (assisted by his wife Carobeth) made an in-depth study of a number of Southern Valley and Foothill Yokuts dialects....This work took them to the valley near the Santa Rosa rancheria and to the Tule River Reservation."[II/141-2]
Dec 1-2: JPH presents paper on Esselen at meeting of AAAS in Berkeley.[II/121]
Photograph of Harrington at AAAS meeting with Outhwaite, Frachtenberg, Kroeber, Waterman, and Mason. [Lowie Museum of Anthropology Photo Archives: SKC,between pp. 290-291]
"On one of these occasions, it must have been about the middle of December, Harrington was excited to find [in the mail] an invitation to attend a meeting of his colleagues at Berkeley....he was both flattered and apprehensive. A.L.Kroeber...loomed over his professional life like a menacing giant..." [Encounter, p.32]
Ambiguity in the Taos Personal Pronoun. Holmes Anniversary Volume,142-156.
Ethnogeography of the Tewa Indians. BAE-AR 29: 29-618 (1916).
House-builders of the Desert. Art and Archaeology 4(6): 299-306 (1916).
Robbins, Wilfred W., J. P. Harrington and Barbara Freire-Marreco, Ethnobotany of the Tewa Indians. BAE-B 55: 1-118 (1916).

Jan-June: "The remainder of the fiscal year [1916-17] was devoted to Venture¤o and Inese¤o." [See above re: Yokuts.]
"My child by Harrington, a daughter, was born on the 12th ofFebruary. I gave her a name, Awona, derived from an Indian language..." [Encounter, p. 37]
March: "In a letter to B.A.E. chief Hodge, dated March 1,1917, Harrington indicated his desire to locate his own informant for the Esselen language. he planned to make a six-week trip by automobile; his wife, Carobeth, was to join him in the work. The intended itineraty was not disclosed. This trip turned out to be profitable in that it enabled the linguist to pursue his study of the Yokuts languages. " [II/121]
July-Sept: " the field engaged in linguistic studies among the Mission Indians of Ventura County..." [See above re:Yokuts.]
Late Sept-Dec: "[JPH] returned to Washington and spent the following months in the elaboration of recently collected material and his Tanoan and Kiowa notes."

Jan-June: [In Washington.] "[JPH] has discovered a genetic relationship between the Uto-Aztecan, Tanoan, andKiowa languages....The Kiowa sketch, amounting to 850 typewrittenpages..."
"Early in January of 1918 I was ready to leave for Washington..." [Encounter, p.74]
"I can remember sitting in Harrington's office typing, but I cannot remember what I typed. Surely we must have made a pretense of at least putting the Chumash material in order, since most of his vouchers had been made out for paying Chumash informants. At home we worked exclusively and almost frantically on the Tanoan material....Before I left Washington I pulled the stuff together and wrote a paper on 'The Taos Pronoun.' With amazing generosity, Harrington presented it for publication under my own name, and...Fewkes...accepted it..." [Encounter, p.80-81]
"I should mention that Harrington took me to call on C. Hart Merriam. I have in mind the picture of a rather short, very erect, very vocal and opinionated man with scarlet face and gleaming white hair, and, I think, a white mustache....Merriam was one of the very few men whom Harrington did not denigrate. He was rumored to be a great eccentric, and that may have made him a kindred spirit. Also there was no doubt about his not being a Jew." [Encounter, p.86]
"In...May, Harrington was champing at the bit; but he couldn't get away for another month or more--probably some question of appropriations. Since I was now thoroughly grounded in the Taos language, he felt I was prepared to undertake a study of the related Isleteno. Therefore he sent me on ahead to Isleta Pueblo. When he broke free, he would godirectly to Santa Fe, where I could join him later."[Encounter, p.88]
June 9-30: "On June 9...[JPH] proceeded to Anadarko, Okla., where he remained until June 26, revising fo rpublication his entire sketch of the Kiowa language, after which he proceeded to Taos..."
July-Aug: "[JPH] at Taos, N.Mex., engaged in the correction and completion of his manuscript on the Tiwa language..."
Aug-Dec: "[JPH] proceeded to southern California, where he continued his studies of the Chumashan Indians, most of the time being devoted to Ventureno..."
Studies Among the Indians of California. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 68: 92-95 (1918). [unsigned] 1919 Jan-May: Continuing work on Ventureno. May-June: "[JPH] returned to Washingtonat the close of May and spent the following month in the preparation ofmanuscript material." July-Sept: "...on field duty in New Mexico in pursuance of his studies of...textual, grammatical, and lexical material from theTano-Kiowan family of languages....Zunian is definutely to be added to theTano-Kiowan-Keresan-Shoshonean stock..." Sept-Dec: "At the close of September [JPH] returned to Washington and was engaged the remainder of theyear in the elaboration of his material [and] performed various officeduties..." Boas was censured by the AAA, at the urging of the Washington anthropologists, in December 1919. Harrington (as Secretary of the ASW)had a role in this attack. David I. Bushnell wrote him: "At last the Bureau is rid of the treacherous Hun..." [Bushnell toJPH, 12/26/19; see Walsh, p.17] Meaning of Old Tewa Indian Place Names Around Santa Fe. El Palacio 7:78-83 (1919). Studies of the Kiowa, Tewa,and California Indians. Smithsonian MiscellaneousCollections 70(2):18-120 (1919). 1920 Jan-June: In Washington (as above). Old Indian Geographic Names Around Santa Fe, New Mexico.AA 22:341-359 (1920). 1921 ... Aug: "During the month of August 1921, prompted, no doubt, by suggestions from C. Hart Merriam, Harrington worked in the area ofPleasanton, California, gathering data on Choche¤o [Costanoan]" [II/81] Sept-Dec: "In early September [1921], after Merriam had completed his own fieldwork and had departed, Harrington arrived at the region, arranged totake meals with the neighboring Dailey family, and proceeded to workregularly with [Sally] Noble [on Chimariko]." [II/49]

1922 Jan: "After amassing several thousand pages of notes, Harrington left Burnt Ranchin mid-to-late January 1922, intending to continue the work with Noble inMay. He later learned that she had died some 20 days after hisdeparture." [II/49] ?? "In January 1922 Harrington had his first opportunity torecord basic vocabularies of the Mutsun and Rumsen dialectsof Costanoan. Early in the month he worked briefly with an87-year-old Mutsun speaker, Ascensi˘n Sol˘rsano of Gilroy...Some 10 days later he located Tom sTorres [= de la Torre] of Monterey..." [II/82] Jan-Feb: "In January and February 1922 Harrington recordedextensive linguistic notes [on Salinan] fromMarˇa and David Mora..." [II/132] ?? "The flare-up of the Tejon Ranch case, which threatened todisinherit many Indians of their tribal lands, brought Harrington back tothe [Yokuts] area in February 1922. As a special temporaty appointee to theDepartment of the Interior, he was responsible for obtaining depositionsfrom the elderly residents of the Tejon. He simultaneously elicitedadditional biographical, historical, and linguistic data..." [II/142] ... May-June: "For approximately one month in 1922, from mid-May tomid-June, Harrington did fieldwork in the area of Pit River, MontgomeryCreek, and Hat Creek in northern California [on Achomawi,Atsugewi, Wintu, and Yana]." [II/56]

1923 [Fall] "In the fall of 1923 he took a number ofYokuts to the Ventura County Fair....The notes hemade at this time reflect the focus on ceremonies and materialculture." [II/142]



1926 March-May: "Much of the major work of recordingKarok vocabulary and ethnographic notes was undertaken during an uninterruptedperiod of six and one-half weeks from late March to early May 1926. Partof the work was conducted in cooperation with Helen H. Roberts, theethnomusicologist. Harrington's principal informant at the time was Fritz Hanson, a speaker of theKatimin dialect...Sylvester Donahue acted as interpreter..."[II/30] [Spring] "In the spring of 1926, during or just following hiswork on Wiyot and Karok, Harrington scheduled an initial interview withanother Chimariko woman, Lucy Montgomery. A cousin of Sally Noble, Montgomery was thenresiding on the coast at Stone Lagoon..." [II/50] "During his work on Karok in the spring of 1926, Harringtonrecorded a brief vocabulary in Wiyot from AmosRiley of Indianola, California...." [II/3]

1927 June: "In the spring of 1927 [JPH] learned of research beingconducted on the Karok by Jaime de Angulo under the aegis of the Committee on American NativeLanguages. Harrington...asked that de Angulo be reassigned...."[II/32] Aug-Sept: "In August and September of [1927] he employed hislong-time friend George W. Bayley to collect plant specimens andethnobotanical data from [Chimariko informant]Lucy Montgomery." [II/50] Nov: " November 1927 for a[n]...extended period,Harrington had occasion to interview Francisco Capit n of Happy Camp.The notes...contain ethnographic and historical information..."[II/35]

1928 Jan: "Contact with [Lucy Montgomery] having beenreestablished [by George Bayley: see Aug-Sept 1927], Harrington joinedBayley in 1928--the dates January 22 through January 31 are mentioned inthe field notes--to pursue further [Chimariko] linguistic work with her."[II/50] Feb: "On February 3, 1928, Mrs. Zack Bussell evidently tookHarrington to interview Saxey Kidd...." [II/50] [Summer] "Through correspondence with Edward Sapir...Harringtonlearned of Billy George (alias Hayfork Bill), a Wintu and Chimariko speaker....Harrington had occasion to conduct a lengthy interview with himat Hayfork during the summer of 1928....Harrington also had the opportunityto work briefly with Ann McKay, an elderly Wintu speaker, and AbeBush...." [II/63] August: "In August of [1928] he returned to the Klamath andSalmon River area. It was at this time that he began working extensivelywith his second major [Karok] informant, Phoebe Maddux....While in the region, Harrington obtainedsizeable vocabularies of the Shasta andKonomihu languages from a Mrs. Grant (further unidentified) and her older sister,Susan Brizelle.... Harrington evidently worked first with Grant and thenproceeded the short distance to Grants' Pass, Oregon, to obtainadditional data from Brizelle." [II/30-1] "Uncle John came to visit us and discovering that I had a driving permit asked Dad if he could hire me as hisChauffeur for the Summer. I was very excited about driving his Dodgetouring car with the big box on the back and going into the mountain areasin Northern California. We would visit informants on the way north.... As we progressed northward, camping each night,and interviewing numerous times, we eventually came to Stone Lagoon inTrinidad County [sic], northof Eureka. We were entertained by a NativeAmerican family, who had a son aboutmy age [14].... They invited me to stay with them while my uncle went on upinto the Klamath area, where he interviewed Mrs. Phoebe Mattox. John musthave spent a good week in the area....When John returned, we drove back upinto that country on a singlelane dirt road, often winding through trees and crossing a river. We foundPhoebe prepared to come with us. She had agreed to accompany my uncle toWashington, D.C., where she would spend some months at least working withhim as an informant. After loading her things in the car, we headed south. The only stop I recall was inBerkeley, where John wished to do some research and perhaps visit with hisfriends at the University of California. He asked me to take Mrs. Mattoxhome with me to Simi...." [AEH, Memories..., pp. A3-4.] Oct: "In October 1928 Harrington brought Phoebe Maddux backwith him to Washington, D.C., where she remained until July of thefollowing year.... During this lengthy period, Maddux reheard theKarok notes obtained from Hanson, furnished much grammatical information,dictated numerous texts, and examined many artifacts and specimens in thecollections of the U.S. National Museum. In addition, she commented uponthe Shasta and Konomihu notes, particularly the placenamedata." [II/31]

1929 April: "In April [1929], Harrington and [Phoebe] Maddux wereauthorized to meet with Franz Boas in New York City for the purpose ofmaking several wax cylinder recordings of the Karok language." [II/31] July: "... [In July, JPH & Phoebe Maddux] began the returntrip to the west coast via Chaco Canyon, New Mexico.... En route toMaddux's home in late July 1929, Harrington and his informant stopped at Eureka,California, to work briefly with Fannie Orcutt, an Orleans Karok woman.Most of her data consisted of comments on the Shasta-Konomihu work." [II/31] Aug: "[In August 1929] Harrington reestablished contact withAscensi˘n Sol˘rsano. She was ill, suffering with stomach cancer, butwas quite willing to serve as a consultant on Mutsun....[until] her death in January 1930....Harrington's major Rumsen informant during this period was LauraRamˇrez..." [II/82-4] Oct: "In October 1929, during a hurried trip to Berkeley tocopy more 'questionnaire material' at the Bancroft Linrary,Harrington located the missing original manuscript of the [Mutsun] vocabulary of Arroyo de la Cuesta." [II/93]

1930 Jan: "After [Ascensi˘n Sol˘rsano]'sdeath in January 1930, Harrington began reorganizing her data...One wasreferred to as the "San Juan Report" and the other wason ethnobotany." [II/83] Feb: "In February 1930 Harrington interviewed Buck Davis andMr. J. C. Curtin at San Miguel....In the same month he conducted a[Salinan] placename trip..."[II/136] March: "In March 1930 he interviewed and recordedChoche¤o songs from Jos‚Guzm n...." [II/84] [Summer] "During the summer of 1930 Harrington wasengaged in the preparation of a sizeable monograph on the native people whowere brought together at Mission San Juan Bautista....At least some, if notall, of this work was done in Washington, D,C." [II/96-7]

1931 March: [Salinan work, March-May,1931] [II/133-6] May: "In mid-May 1931 Harrington returned to Hayfork andHyampom to resume his field studies [on Wintu andChimariko] with [Billy] George and [Abe] Bush. For a virtually uninterruptedperiod from then until January 1932, he worked with these consultants andwith numerous other speakers of Wintu, as well as with members of theneighboring Yana and Achomawi tribes....many of hisinformants were bi- or multilingualsl...." [II/64]

1932 Feb: "Throughout February 1932" [workrdwith Maria de los Angeles on Salinan][II/134] March: "On March 28, 1932, Harrington returned to Monterey towork with Isabelle Meadows. She was the daughter of Loreta On‚simo, a full-blooded Carmel Indian, and James Meadows, an English sailor.When Isabelle was about ten years old, her parents engaged an elderlyWacharon woman, Marˇa Omesia, to help at their ranch. The two womenconversed in Rumsen.... Isabelle...gradually buil[t] up a comprehensive vocabularyof the language." [II/85] [Spring] [Salinan placename trips.] [II/136] [Summer] "In the summer of 1932 , Harrington's interestturned to the study of Uto-Aztecan langauges (Gabrielino, Luise¤o, andJuane¤o) and the annotation of Ger˘nimo Boscana's writings. Meadowsaccompanied him to the San Juan Capistrano area to pursue thisfieldwork." [II/85-6] [Fall] [Salinan placename trips.][II/136]

1933 Oct: "Harrington returned briefly to his study of theShasta and Konomihu languages in October1933 when his presence in Takelma territoryfacilitated a second visit with [Susan] Brizelle." [II/31] "After recording Shasta and Konomihu in northern Californiaduring the early fall of 1933, Harrington crossed the state border intoOregon to work on Takelma. He worked first with Frances Johnson.... He began interviewing her inOctober and then took her on a placename trip to former Takelma territoryon November 2nd through 4th. After his return to the Siletz area,Harrington worked with ... Aneti (Mrs. Spencer) Scott...[and] Molly Orcutt. On November13th through the 19th Harrington again returned to the original triballands to record placenames from her." [I/78]


1935 [Summer] "I was completing my Junior year at Redlands when I received a letter fromJohn..., inviting me to come to Washington D.C. to work with him as hissecretary for the summer of 1935.... I was to live with him and his ninetyyear old informant [Isabelle Meadows] in their two room apartment for the Summer.... John...wouldcontinue to interview Isabell[e], taking notes on large 14" x 18" heavypaper. This was basically a Carmele¤o Dictionary, with all the words, stories and cultural information that shecould supply in response to John's questions. He would sometimesget her to telling a story in Carmele¤o and then repeat it in Spanish.... My task was to type all that John hadwritten on a specially built typewriter with all the extra accents andvowel markings imaginable. The work was to be mostly done in the apartment.... When September came around, we had not accomplishedall that John had set out for us to do. He became very persuasive....Thefirst week in January [1936], I said goodbye to John and Isabell[e] and toour neighbors and began my trip home alone...." [AEH, Memories..., pp. B1-4]

1936 [Summer] "Uncle John had invited me to do some fieldwork for him in California during the summer [of 1936]. I spent some timein Santa Ana, living in his apartment there.... I processed some largealuminum discs with a hot paraphine dip, heated in the back yard.... Beforeleaving Washington, John had showed me how to use a twelve volt recordingmachine, which was made portable by carrying two twelve volt batteries....Leonard Morris, my former room mate at the University of Redlands was available and agreed to help me with theassignment. After finishing the processing we packed the Model B and wereon the road north to revisit informants as directed by John. We went asfar north as King City and into the coastal range there interviewing persons whom John had previouslyinterviewed. But this time we were to make recordings of the conversation.We were given lists of questions to ask about words.... The next informantlived in Santa Barbara. His name was Juan Jesus Justo. He was Chumash. He was in the Santa Barbara CountyHospital.... [Then] we returned to Santa Ana. It was an enjoyablesummer...." [AEH, Memories..., p. B-5]



1939 June: "In early June 1939 Harrington spentseveral days examining [Prince Paul's Account]....[with] knowledgeable informants...all Nisenan ...[except for] Mike Murray...who knew Northern SierraMiwok as well as some Nisenan." [II/21] Oct +: "[JPH] made a fieldtrip with Robert W. Young toAlberta and British Columbia from October through early December1939....The northern Athapascan languages for which they obtained data wereSarsi, Cold Lake Chipewyan, Beaver, Carrier, Babine, and Sekani."[I/14] Dec: "[JPH's] work on Tlingit began in December 1939 while visiting Melville and Elizabeth Langdon Jacobs in Seattle. At the U.S. MarineHospital there he located Thomas Skeek...and Sheldon James...and workedwith these two speakers until at least mid-January of 1940."[I/8]

1940 "Have been travelling...for a long period of months, trying to find thedirect parent of the Navajo in the far north, which trip took me to CentralAlaska, where I found the language of the [??] islands closely related toNavajo... I did not visit the Nicola and Chilcotin of the Fraser River drainage...but am reserving that forthe future, if Aunt Una can help swing it ... I was the early part of thesummer in Wash., DC ... about 6 weeks." [JPH to "Florence and Ruth", Aug. 21, 1940; seen at SI] (early): "[JPH's] Galice/Applegate field notes represent his work with informant Hoxie Simmons on at leasttwo occasions. The bulk of the work was accomplished during a visit toSiletz, Oregon made in early 1940, undoubtedly at the suggestion ofMelville Jacobs...." [I76] May-June: "[JPH] spent 32 days-from approximately May 12to June 14-at Yakutat, working [on Tlingit] regularly 8 hours a day with George Johnson and his wife Annie."[I/8] "I went on the Greyhound to Seattle and in the steerage ofthe Baranoff, May 8, direct to Yakutat, and there I stayed for 32 days,because there was no boat in or out - I had to ....coming back I had an empty steerage, and came by way ofSitka... Came back here [=D.C.] from Seattle by Greyhound, have got so thatfour NIGHTS sitting up on the Greyhound does not phase me." [JPH to Mrs. Blanche Seeley, July 28, 1940; seen at SI] July: [In Washington, DC "...about 6 weeks"] August: [Leaves for New Mexico after Aug. 9; stops in Ann Arbor; enroute (Joplin, MO), Aug. 18; in Gallup, NM, Aug. 20.] "...attending the last days of the Linguistic Institute atAnn Arbor, contacted Pike. I resolved to visit the Institute [=SIL] atCamp Wycliffe [Sulphur Springs, AR, near Joplin(?)]..." [JPH to"Dr. Boyd", Aug. 18, 1940; seen at SI]

1941 Aug +: "In late August to early September-dates given are August 27, August 31, and September 1-[JPH] recordeddata from speakers of the Lytton dialect of Thompson RiverSalish, who also remembered a little Nicola Valley Athapascan(stuwix-mux, southern Chilcotin)." [I/22] Oct. + "[JPH's] annual reports and correspondence...indicate that he worked on St. PaulIsland, Alaska, from October through December of 1941.... The principalinformant of the many he interviewed was Ivan Alexis Yatchmeneff...aspeaker of the Unalaska dialect [of Aleut]." [I/1]

1942 Jan(?): "From the format of his notes it seemslikely that [JPH's Lummi] fieldwork wasdone in 1942-probably in January just after his return from Aleutterritory." [I/25] Jan +: "Material [on Quinault,Chehalis, Cowlitz,Yakima, Chinook, andChinook Jargon] was collected by [JPH] from January to April 1942 in western Washingtonand northwestern Oregon.... The bulk of the notes consist of Chehalis andCowlitz data.... [JPH's] main informant for the entire body of workwas Emma Millet Stills Luscier.... In 1942 she was 71 years old and lived at Bay Center, Washington." [I/36-37] "Some information on Tillamookdates as early as March or April 1942..." [I/54] April: "Notes [on Chimakum,Clallam, Makah, andQuileute] were collected by [JPH] in April 1942 in Clallam, Jefferson, and KitsapCounties in northwestern Washington." [I/30] " Oakville, Washington in early April of 1942...[w]hileinterviewing Lizzie Johnson and Minnie Case regarding Kwalhioqua, he also worked with John Albert, the last speakerof Alsea..." [I/58] June: "much rechecking [of Tillamook] was certainly done in early June [1942], probably around the 7th to the10th.... The work was centered at Siletx, Oregon..."[I/54-55] "Around June, July, and possibly August of [1942] Harringtonrecorded Coos-both the Hanisand Miluk varieties-andSiuslaw and Lower Umpqua from Frank H. Drew in Florence,Oregon.... In Marshfield, Harrington interviewed Lottie Evanoff....She gavedata principally in Hanis..." [I/58-59] June +: "[JPH's] 'SouthwestOregon Athapascan' materials were collected largely from speakers...who were residing atSiletz Reservation.... [and] at the Smith River Reservation just over thestate line in northern California. The notes span the dates June to earlyNovember 1942.... [JPH's] principal informat at Siletz was a man named [Coquille]Thompson." [I/69] Nov: "[In 1942] he returned to [NW California] to make a morethorough study of [Wiyot] and the relatedYurok. He simultaneously recorded a lesseramount of Mattole data for comparison.... For the most part the field notes fromthis...period are undated, although November 12 and 14, 1942, arementioned." [II/3] Dec: "Harrington obtained data on the CoastYuki, Northern and Central Pomo, andKato languages...[in] the Petrolia, Ukiah, Sherwood, and Laytonville areas ofnorthern California. The fieldwork was done during December 1942 andJanuary 1943." [II/9] " the fall and winter of 1942, Harrington spent severaldays in Middletown, California. There he recorded several dialects ofMiwok, as well as SoutheasternPomo and Wappo. His principal informant was Henry Knight...."[II/19]





1947 May-July: "The appearance in March 1947 of RobertHeizer's article, 'Francis Drake and the California Indians,1579,' prompted Harrington to conduct his own research [onSouthern Pomo and Central Sierra Miwok].... Thanks to thecoincidental visits to Washington of three separate groups from May to July1947, Harrington was able to amplify the published data...."[II/24-5]